The Reasons for abnormal noise during switching power transformer operation

发布于: 2024-06-25

  1. Overload Conditions: When the transformer operates under overload, internal copper and iron losses increase, leading to higher temperatures and reduced heat dissipation. This can cause a dull humming sound due to core saturation and increased magnetic flux density
  2.  Loose Components: Internal components that are not securely fastened can vibrate and collide with surrounding structures, producing clanking or other unusual sounds
  3.  Poor Internal Contacts: Faulty internal contacts can result in localized discharge, generating sharp and continuous sparking noises
  4.  Grounding or Short Circuit Faults: Ground faults can damage the winding insulation, leading to discharge noises, while short circuits can cause a surge in current, resulting in explosive sounds
  5. High-Frequency Currents: In high-frequency transformers, loose coils can vibrate when high-frequency currents flow, causing audio noise
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